Monday, December 28, 2009

How do I get other people's profiles to not play music on myspace?

I have gone into my account settings and unchecked "Auto-start profile and band music players. " and yet people's music play.. it plays at about 10 times louder than whatever I happen to be listening to (very annoying).. How do I stop it?

How do I get other people's profiles to not play music on myspace?

That only applies to your player.

The only things you can do are:

Not go to their profile


Turn your volume down.

How do I get other people's profiles to not play music on myspace?

Hmm, Yeah it is annoying but that usually doesn't happen to me (the 10 times louder thing). But sometimes i forget to lower my volume when i get to a page and it blows my ears out. Lower your volume for a second and pause their music. Then turn your music back up!

How do I get other people's profiles to not play music on myspace?

go to your MySpace "Home" page

click "Account Settings"

click "Spam"

click the red "- Change Settings -" link to the right of "Music Settings: New!"

put a check in the box in front of "Disable My Player from Automatically Starting" and "Disable Band Songs From Automatically Starting"

click Change Settings


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