Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How do I make A HTML code for backround music on Myspace???

I need an easy way to get one of my mp3s to play on my myspace but I want it hidden

How do I make A HTML code for backround music on Myspace???

Try this website out:

It lets you upload your own mp3s and creates a html code for it.

How do I make A HTML code for backround music on Myspace???

Just simply use the myspace player and hide it!

Heres the code to hide it!

%26lt;style%26gt;embed, object {width:0px; height:0px;} table table table embed, table table table object {width:320px; height:240px;} %26lt;/style%26gt;%26lt;a href=" title="View hidden Myspace comments"%26gt;%26lt;span style="font-size:78%;"%26gt;Hide Myspace music player%26lt;/span%26gt;%26lt;br/%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;a href=" title="View hidden MySpace comments"%26gt;%26lt;span style="font-size:78%;"%26gt;View hidden MySpace profiles %26lt;/span%26gt;%26lt;br/%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;

Hope I Helped, Good Luck!

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