Friday, November 27, 2009

Can you add music to MySpace even if the music is not from MySpace?

For example you know how u can go to the artist page and 'add' the music from there's to urs? well can u add music from another source if the artist doesn't have the song u want?

Can you add music to MySpace even if the music is not from MySpace?

to make it easy. you need a standalone player. see the links below.

that link has step by step directions on how to get the standalone player and will walk you through adding the songs as well. they have 4 different styles along with the option to start the player automatically or not.

for something more advanced with more styles you can go here:

Can you add music to MySpace even if the music is not from MySpace?

no. unless you make your own music myspace and put the song you want on it.

Can you add music to MySpace even if the music is not from MySpace?

yes you need to configure one of the myspace mp3 players and upload some songs in mp3 format from your computer to an online server or file storage site. like yahoo lets you store files, use the cute ftp software to upload the music files to your site at geocities then you can cut and paste the url of those songs into your mp3 player when you configure it

Can you add music to MySpace even if the music is not from MySpace?

yes, you can. but it will not use the myspace flash music player thingy, and will be where you put it ( about me, music, tv, wherever you stick the HTML tag )

you can make it so others can play, pause, stop, that sort of thing. you can also make it hidden so they cant.

this is the HTML code for a hidden one:

%26lt;embed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" src="URLofSongFile" autostart="true" loop="true"

width="2" height="0"%26gt;



%26lt;bgsound src="URLofSongFile" loop="infinite"%26gt;


here is the non hidden one

%26lt;embed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" src="URLofSongFile" autostart="true" loop="true"

width="300" height="80"%26gt;



%26lt;bgsound src="URLofSongFile" loop="infinite"%26gt;


with the non hidden one you can play with the Height and width values to resize the player

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